Copyright © 1991-2024 Author Angela White
Linda Porter
8/2/2018 11:32:50 pm
I realize writing is a hard job but I would stay with these characters forever if possible. You make them a reality for me like family. Even the twists and turns make sense down the road. I’m not very crazy but I talk to them as if...don’t do that or how can you do that or just do it!
Linda Reed
8/3/2018 03:38:05 am
Please, please a happy ending! They have suffered so much along the way and I want to smile again.
Wanda Pegg
8/4/2018 07:40:17 am
OMG Linda Porter I talk to these characters too as I read the books. It will break my heart if this series ends. I have lived many years and love to read.
Steve Pritcett
8/3/2018 05:16:09 am
Please don't stop,I think you are a great writer,would like to see at least 2 or 3 years on the Island.
8/3/2018 06:51:47 am
Please don't stop... There are so many things I want to see how they work out... All of the babies from Sam's twins to Autumn to the twins Angela picked up, Cody and Leann I want to see where the journey goes.
Wanda pegg
8/4/2018 07:45:32 am
I am looking forward to the time when Alexa finds Adrian and joins Safe Haven. Hopefully.
8/28/2018 07:57:46 pm
i find myself talking lol screaming sometimes.. Ive been in love with this story for so long that they feel like family, i mourn and laugh with them.. i want the years on the island and the final battle lol i guess im kinda greedy
8/3/2018 11:23:51 am
With the many generations of characters, including the unborn, this could go on until not only the country but the world is reborn. Look far ahead and think big Angela.
8/3/2018 12:46:27 pm
I didn't realize this was up for debate! I just assumed (wrongly apparently) that we'd find out what life on the island was like. I'm now wondering if I was the only one who couldn't wait for
8/3/2018 01:44:33 pm
Whaaaat?! Did I miss something?! Something important?!
8/3/2018 03:51:06 pm
I have to know if Angela is going to save Marc! Please!
Robin Heckler
8/3/2018 08:28:16 pm
A lot of your questions can be answered if you would read the other 2 series and the back stories Angela has already written and published. Personally, my preference is that she continues writing for as long as she has a story to tell us. Angela is a master story weaver and I, for one don't think I will ever get tired of the Safe Haven family she has gifted us with. Find and read ALL of the Angela White books at your favorite bookseller and get some of your questions answered as well as filling those dreary days in between book release dates.
8/3/2018 04:36:02 pm
Angie, I am hooked on the LAW series. Please, get them to the island and back to America. (Within a couple books) Once they return to America, I'd love an ending..... With everything they have endured, it would be nice if it were reasonably happy... :)
Crystal Amari
8/3/2018 09:37:16 pm
I don’t think this should be open for debate. I think you should write the books as long as the story speaks to you. Your fans will read them as long as the story continues to grow. Those that don’t want to read anymore, don’t have to buy more books. I personally could read this series forever, because there is so much story to tell. I don’t know how you even begin to tie off some of those loose ends. Yes the characters have been through a lot and it would be nice if there were some peaceful days ahead. But that doesn’t mean the story is over by any means. I would hate for there to be an “artificial” ending just because some people have had enough. I have another favorite author who has a series 40+ books in, and still climbing. I keep reading because the characters and stories are so compelling. And I’m far from the only one. I will read as long as you want to write, I love this series, and would love Alexa to get some payoff too. So end it when the stories tell you to. Just one women’s opinion.
Gerald Washabau
8/4/2018 02:07:31 am
Angela, I believe the LAW series should go full circle and include the island years because it is the accomplishment of the mission she had set out to do. If their is a decision to be made at that conclusion as to their future then a new decision would need to be made. A new series direction could be "The Children of Safe Haven".
Nikki Mason
8/7/2018 04:30:23 pm
I just finished book 10 of the LAW series, my question is when does the next book, Apocalypse Winds, come out. I've been reading this series for almost 2 months now and I wanna know what happened next. I love your writing. Please don't stop. Be blessed.
Linda Marks
8/10/2018 03:30:31 pm
I have just finished Setting Sail. I am really looking forward to more of this series. I have also read the Alex’s Travels and am ready for the next one. I have also read the Bachelor Battles series. You are one of my favorite authors and can’t wait for more.
Guyanne Stanton
9/3/2018 05:19:17 pm
Please continue this series. I live for the next book in the series to be published. I love LAW!
Nancy Rebeske
9/20/2018 12:57:45 pm
I love the LAW series. Can't wait for the next book. I am now on my 4th re-read. I discover something new that I missed on the previous reads! Love Alexa's Travels, too!
Yvonne Stone
11/9/2018 12:21:04 pm
I thoroughly enjoy the LAW series and can't wait to get to the island. That being said, I want you to enjoy writing the story. As with anything good in life, do it as long as you enjoy it. Don't let your passion become your burden.
2/22/2019 05:14:22 pm
I think you should keep writing. You are a great writer. Having said that though; I have stopped reading at book 7 (still buying though to support you).
Alison White
3/19/2019 03:45:55 pm
I would be disappointed to not see (yes, SEE) the final battle. Im torn, Go on forever, or een it soon? I REALLY want to see what happend NEXT . But series drive me crazy. Great Job keeping me hooked!! I agree, they have all gone through so much. But either Angela ascends to her place in "prison " or the final battle must happen. Or maybe both? If Angela ascends. She might have more control over the out come???? Just sayin
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