Pages: 781
Release Date: 5/15-17/2022 Each store will go live over the next few days. As they do, I will add those links to my website. It is already live in some places. You can still get the preorder price for the next few days by ordering directly from me: All preorders have been sent out to customers and donors. If you didn't get yours, please send me a separate email to: [email protected]. Don't 'reply' to this newsletter, as I won't get it. Audiobooks Marc and Dog is finished! Here’s a link to that page so you can get it from the store of your choice. Bachelor Battles #3 is finally live on Apple! It took a while for them to add it, but it’s there now and waiting for your listening pleasure. My Facebook Account My Facebook account was hacked and there is no way for me to get it back. The person changed the email on it and Facebook has no human support for me to contact. The message now says the account has been disabled even though I can still see the page and nothing I’ve tried over the last 7 weeks has worked. I will not be creating a new FB account. It’s too much hassle and just not worth it until they add live support for issues like this. New News Section To make up for the lack of a Facebook page, there is now a news section on the home page of my website. You can get information there about new releases, event, preorders, and other important stuff. My site also has new pages with my free books and the titles I have in the Kindle Unlimited (KU) program. Just check the menu at the top. Beta Reading I have room for 5 new Beta readers if anyone would like to help me clean the errors from my books. You can read the details here: I think that’s all from me for now. I’ll send a short email when book 17 is live on all stores and I have all the links. I hope your spring has been good. Summer is coming up on us fast. Last week, it was in the 50s here. This week, it’s been above 80 every day. 2022 is rushing by. Maybe if we all concentrate together, we can slow it down. Waving at you, Angie
Past Posts
December 2024
Shtf fiction, armageddon, nuclear war, post apocalyptic survival, dystopian military fiction, end of the world, science fiction series