Free Replacement Copies Updated copies of all my backlist books are available! Some retailers offer these free. Please check the reading library on your chosen store. If your retailer does not offer the update, you can email me ([email protected]) a copy of your receipt and I'll send you a PDF or EPUB free! Yes, from any major store. I'm sorry that the very first copy you received wasn't prefect. I'm working hard to correct that issue and I appreciate your patience more than I can say. Updated replacements are available for: Life After War Books 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, &8 Alexa's Travels Books 1&2 The Bachelor Battles Books 1&2 Summary: Free updated copy of the above books, PDF or EPUB only direct from author, when you send me a copy of your receipts for those books from any store. [email protected] Subject: replacement copy Paperbacks for all my series Up-to-date paperbacks are now live in both autographed and non-signed formats. Here is that link: Betas All merchandise will be shipped next week, including the autographed Beta paperbacks. Please make sure that I have your physical address! I'll be updating the Hub soon, so you'll be hearing from me about the next set of files. Thank you for your patience! Reminder My old blog is no longer active. The new blog is here: Life After War Wednesday blog posts in 2017 have included free chapters, never-seen deleted scenes, fan images and other great tidbits Next Release Details Free chapters are available to download for both of these titles! ![]() Forever Changed The thrilling conclusion to the Bachelor Battles trilogy! Length: 772 pages Author: ©Angela White Publisher: C9 Publications ISBN#: 978-1-945927-84-3 ![]() Dearly Departed Heroes have been lost, but they will never be forgotten. Book 10 of the Life After War Series Length: 802 pages Author: ©Angela White Publisher: C9 Publications ISBN#: 978-1-945927-46-1 2016-2017 Releases
LAW #9 LAW #8 Marc and Dog Marc and Angie Thank You!!! For reading my stories and wanting more. For contacting me with edits and praise, and with complaints. They've made me a better writer. Thank you for caring and sharing, and for talking and borrowing, for buying and highlighting. You'll never know how much you mean to me. I hope you all have people in your lives who are just as wonderful. Have a safe summer! Angie Copyright © 1991-2024 Author Angela White
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