Welcome to LAW Wednesday! Each topic below provides an activity. Feel free to do them all! I love reader interactions. You ladies and gentlemen are wonderful. Voting Safe Haven Mandatory Camp Votes Safe Haven has held several mandatory camp votes in the series. Two of them are listed below so you can vote too! Cool, right? Camp vote #1 Where do we go now/Age line http://authorangelawhite.blogspot.com/p/embedmanager.html Camp vote #2 Punishment for Adrian and Conner http://authorangelawhite.blogspot.com/2017/02/camp-vote-on-punishments-for-adrian.html Book and Cover Votes These are votes for book covers. Will you please help me chose the best image? Covers for LAW Book 10 https://www.facebook.com/authorangelawhite/photos/pcb.761366227359653/761365517359724/?type=3&theater Covers for BB3 https://www.facebook.com/authorangelawhite/photos/pcb.755988664564076/755988374564105/?type=3&theater Marc and Dog has made it onto the People’s Book Awards. You can vote on it and then scroll the other nominations. You can also nominate a book while there! https://thebookawards.com/awards/marc-and-dog-a-dual-quest-for-survival/ Submissions Character Names Would you like to name a character in the LAW series? I can just feel some of you rolling your eyes. More people? I can’t keep track of the characters now! I sometimes get nasty comments about that, but how realistic would it be to only mention the main characters by name or how about only having main characters with no secondary or third range people? Humans do not exist in a vacuum. The majority are constantly surrounded by acquaintances, coworkers, friends or family. Why would it be different after society collapses? As refugees gather for protection and support, it will be impossible to keep track of everyone. So I made it that way in the series. Then the story added plot lines that had to be followed, which introduced even more players, but without them, the story would be shallow, incomplete. For example, the UN has arrived at Safe Haven’s doorstep now. Without following Kendle’s story to Market Town, readers would have gotten two paragraphs of explanation and that’s it. Dirce wouldn’t be a full person in their mind. They wouldn’t understand why Conner now has Eagle support. Kendle’s disease would still be vague and without a verification scene. And then there are the twins. No one would know where they came from or who Rita was. Turning out a good story is easy. Giving you an epic series that will stick in your head forever? Not so much. It requires details, layering, subtle additions you don’t notice on the first read through and of course, amazing characters. And I’m running low. I need names! I’ve used over 100 so far. You wouldn’t think it would be that hard to find more than that, but you have to have a first, last, and sometimes even a middle. Here are the requirements: Submit a First and last name Do NOT suggest names that begin with “K”, “A”, “S”, “T” I have used those so much that it would be confusing to the readers. At points, it already is, especially when I have Adrian, Angela, Kenn and Kendle in the same conversation. Do NOT use ANY name that is already part of this series. Your name is fine, but you must state that you have no claim to the character upon submitting it. That means you can’t tell me what to do with the character. I can make them into a transvestite alien overlord who snorts cats and drinks the sun with lunch. They may also be a serial killer with a taste for newborn human flesh. Be sure you want to be immortalized in one of my books. You could end up as anything or anyone. You don’t have to include a bio, but if you do, these are the basic notes I make about every new character: (Feel free to send any or all of it) Name (first and last) Age, Born where and when Career or field of study/background/childhood Where they were when the bombs fell How they survived and where they’ve been Please submit your character name/info in the comments of this post or you can use the contact form found here. Fan images Next month, I will be doing a fan day post where I display some of the incredible gifts, letters and images I’ve received from readers. Did you know seeing a reader with our book is a huge thrill for an author? One wonderful gentleman even sent me images of himself reading on his flight. Did I mention he was part of the crew? It’s a sweet picture of my book on his Kindle with the cockpit view in the background. I may blow it up and frame it! Very cool; as was the flag that had been flown over a real battlefield. I do have that one framed. I hope that by the time I retire, there isn’t room on the walls of my office for all of the items like these. When I have my really bad days, I stare at those and remind myself that things can always get better. Your love of the story being demonstrated in picture is helpful in more ways than I can explain, but mostly, it’s proof that I’m not wasting my life. Thank you for that. Please send any images or such to: [email protected] Submit a review quote Can I use a quote from you for my sales pages and sites? All you have to do is tell me what you think of my series. Please state that you give me permission to use your quote and tell me your career. For example: "I’m Angela. I’m an author and I… blah blah. I give C9 Publications permission to use my quote." You can submit it through the contact form found here or you can place your comments on this post and they’ll already be on this site for everyone to see! Signups, Preorders and PurchasingMy FB page Be notified when I have news or new releases My Kindle Unlimited FB page Beta Reader Waiting List Thank you, Betas! As usual, you’ve done a great job. Gifted eBooks and autographed paperbacks will be delivered around the first week of June. Those who would like a paperback copy of book 9 (or any of my titles)can visit this page. Also, book 10 is now available for preorder! Shhh… I haven’t made that official announcement yet. The email will go out next week with those details, but if you’d like to check it out now, here is that link. Listen Listen to a Safe Haven CB call I’ve included this because I don’t think most people realize things like this can be found right here on my website. There are also deleted scenes, poems from each title, excerpts and other fun tidbits. This will be the main LAW site now. Once I get it all finished (I still have a lot of features I’d like to add as I get the time and cash) I will upgrade the domain. To hear the call, scroll to the bottom of this page. http://authorangelawhite.weebly.com/law-book-4.html Audiobook sample Would you like to hear what this series sounds like as an audiobook? You can listen to the free sample here: http://www.audible.com/search/ref=a_search_c4_1_1_1_srAuth?searchAuthor=Angela+White&qid=1480533372&sr=1-1 ReviewsWould you like to review the newest LAW book? Please visit that page, found here, and pick the icon of your preferred store to review on. Feel free to place the same review on all locations. Request an ARC Would you like a free review copy of one of my books? Just use the contact form found here. Window ShoppingThanks to some very wonderful startup ventures, I can now offer you some new and very interesting merchandise! Here is the page so you can window shop the tapestries, color-changing mugs, mouse pads, playing cards and more. That's all for this LAW day. Please join us next week!
Copyright © 1991-2024 Author Angela White
Harold L. Woodworth
4/26/2017 09:03:30 am
I started reading Angela White's books in November of 2010, I just got my first Kindle and was reading a book about the Invasion of America when I finished that book Amazon showed me a list of books I might like Angela White book The Survivors the first book in the Life After War series, I got it and then I was hooked I can't get enough of writings she is truly a gifted writer, Angela puts true feelings into her books she is able to make you feel that you are right there the Survivors. Angela White has become my number one Author.
Darlene Knight
4/26/2017 02:01:56 pm
I love your law series, and I tell my friends they need to read them! Can't wait for book 10! You can use my review for any of your sites, I am a secretary at our local Technical College. You rock boss!
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