Hi! I’ve missed you all. I had to start with that. I really did!
Next, I’d like to welcome our rookies! We’ve added thousands of new readers to this series since I last did this. When you see their questions and such, help them out, Eagles, and make them welcome. Rookies, the senior Eagles here are wonderful and patient. They’ll point you in the right direction for whatever you’re searching for or confused about. There are also two fan-run groups for this series. Those links are below. Both are calm, smart places where you can explore the series with others who love it the way you do. I hope you enjoyed the last Life After War entry. If you have the time, I’d love to hear your specific thoughts on every book in this series. I never answer reviews (too much fighting) but I do read them, and so do other potential fans of this series. Let us all know what you think, please. Just use the link below to go to the series page so you can pick your store from there. (It’s okay to use the same review on multiple stores if you use more than one.) Next month we’ll be doing a Facebook chat. I’ll upload a new sample of book 16, give out some review copies of recent releases, sign your eBooks on Autograph.com, and we’ll chat. My next email will have the exact date and time. The paperback copy of book #15 is now live! (Use the paperback page below.) Thank you to all the wonderful beta readers who are helping me find and fix errors in this series again. Yes, I know we’ve been over it quite a few times, but so long as the negative reviews keep coming in for editing, I will keep trying to fix it while still writing new material. At an average of four new releases each year, I think I do pretty well in balancing my time between the two. It wouldn’t be possible without my awesome Eagle editors, though. Thank you! That’s all from me for now. I hope you have a fun holiday, or at least get to enjoy some of this beautiful weather before it’s replaced with all the summer heat. Stay safe, Eagles. Angie Upcoming Events and Releases 1.) Facing Destiny (LAW Book #16) Preorder! http://www.authorangelawhite.website/book-16.html 2.) Facebook Chat with the Author Details coming in April, 2021. Use the signup button (top of the page) to join my email list and never miss my events! Latest Releases: 2021 January-Hard Ground LAW Book #15 http://www.authorangelawhite.website/book-15.html 2020 November-The HOP http://www.authorangelawhite.website/hop-17.html August-Riding the Waves (LAW Book #14) http://www.authorangelawhite.website/book-14.html June-Wanted (AT #5) http://www.authorangelawhite.website/at-book-5-wanted.html January-For the Future (LAW Book #13) http://www.authorangelawhite.website/book-13.html Latest Eagle Newsletter https://mailchi.mp/3897e11c9737/book-16 Author’s Website http://www.authorangelawhite.website/ -Life After War Series Page http://www.authorangelawhite.website/life-after-war.html -Life After War Paperback Page http://www.authorangelawhite.website/law-paperback-page.html -Alexa’s Travels Series Page http://www.authorangelawhite.website/alexas-travels.html -All Angela’s Books Page http://www.authorangelawhite.website/all-my-books.html Fan Groups for Life After War https://www.facebook.com/groups/1205013082993953/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/350507755149883 Copyright © 1991-2024 Author Angela White
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December 2024
Shtf fiction, armageddon, nuclear war, post apocalyptic survival, dystopian military fiction, end of the world, science fiction series