John Harmon, MD
Also known as: Johnnie.
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 240 lbs.
Eyes: Blue.
Hair: Salt and pepper.
Age: 69.
Birthday: December 30th, 1944.
First appearance: John’s first appearance is in their home in Book #1 when he is trying to convince his wife that they have to leave and find a group to join. He is hiding his cancer from her.
Memorable quote: “Trust me, my Anna. I do this for you.”
Family: Wife: Anne.
Home: Rawlins, Wyoming.
Occupation before the War: Army medic and then civilian MD.
Occupation after the War: Safe Haven’s 1st doctor.
Safe Haven Status: Cherished camp member.
Descendant Status: Invisible.
Relationship Status: Married to Anne for 47 years.
Death: John was killed when Denny, Crone, and their group of assassins attacked the entire camp in Book #4. The medical camper was blown up.
Notes: Hate was foreign to John. Even while he was in the Army, where he saw awful events, he never once hated anyone. He was the only character in Safe Haven who could say that. All he wanted was for his wife to be cared for. John did that so well that the couple are still loved and missed even now.
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 240 lbs.
Eyes: Blue.
Hair: Salt and pepper.
Age: 69.
Birthday: December 30th, 1944.
First appearance: John’s first appearance is in their home in Book #1 when he is trying to convince his wife that they have to leave and find a group to join. He is hiding his cancer from her.
Memorable quote: “Trust me, my Anna. I do this for you.”
Family: Wife: Anne.
Home: Rawlins, Wyoming.
Occupation before the War: Army medic and then civilian MD.
Occupation after the War: Safe Haven’s 1st doctor.
Safe Haven Status: Cherished camp member.
Descendant Status: Invisible.
Relationship Status: Married to Anne for 47 years.
Death: John was killed when Denny, Crone, and their group of assassins attacked the entire camp in Book #4. The medical camper was blown up.
Notes: Hate was foreign to John. Even while he was in the Army, where he saw awful events, he never once hated anyone. He was the only character in Safe Haven who could say that. All he wanted was for his wife to be cared for. John did that so well that the couple are still loved and missed even now.